Why it is good to have a trainee?
- Having a trainee from abroad is always an interesting social experience for your team, young people are immersed into a different culture from their own, and the awareness of the differences is the first indispensable step in order to developing mutual respect for and co-operation with people of other countries, without renouncing their own cultural backgrounds.
- For many, particularly small/medium sized enterprises (SME) employing a trainee can become the first, very cost effective, low risk, stepping stone into a New Market .
- In big companies trainees can carry out first simple tasks which sometimes are set aside by regular employers because of their prior more important everyday tasks . Thanks to that, company has got simple tasks done and trainee can observe the work of certain departments and the whole company.
- Utilising the candidate’s local knowledge and personal contacts even just to conduct Internet searches in the candidate’s own language, can give a SME or similar organization more value for money, than many pages of expensive professional Market Studies .
- And how about attending conference trade fairs or visiting important potential customers with a national from that country at your side, who has just spent weeks/months inside your business, learning about your goals/products/services offered?